WWWStat4Mac. The ideal companion to httpd4Mac,WebStar, or a UNIX or PC Webserver.
"One of the most feature packed log analysers available on the internet today"
Download Latest version of WWWStat4Mac
You can find more information about WWWStat4Mac at the following URL:
Currently WWWStat4Mac is distributed as a FAT-Binary which will run on either 68K or PPC Macs. Separate 68K and PPC versions are available on request to registered users :-)
Use the button below to download the latest version of WWWStat4Mac. Currently version 1.4.2 (approx 660K).
New versions are also always distributed to the info-mac ftp sites. Choose a site from the list below.
Note: These are just examples there are many more sites around the world that mirror the info-mac archive.
Note.The arrangement of the directory structures of the info-mac archives changes occasionally, so these links won't be valid forever!
This file last modified on 2-Nov-96 at 2:53 pm by Peter Hardman.